NRL Betting New Zealand

The National Rugby League (NRL) is the top professional rugby league and competition in the Australian region, with 16 clubs contesting the league. Since 1997, when Sydney’s original club competition officially became the NRL, the main winners have been the Brisbane Broncos and the Melbourne Storm.

The longest running rivalry, however, exists between the only two remaining foundation clubs in the league, the Sydney Roosters and the South Sydney Rabbitohs, which goes all the way back to 1908. The National Rugby League and the associated NRL betting industry have become Australian sporting staples. Although traditionally contributing to the stereotypical image of the average Australian as a corked hat wearing, beer swilling, gambling rugby supporter, the National Rugby League has certainly also contributed to Australia’s respected position as a leading sporting nation.

The rugby league ensures 80 minutes of continuous sporting action on the field and smooth acquiescence to another major Australian hobby; sports betting. With the growth of online and mobile access, NRL premiership betting and NRL grand final betting is all available from the couch at home. Maybe stereotypes are there with some justification, for this sport certainly has produced sporting excellence as well as gambling excellence.’

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NRL Bets New Zealand

Punters in New Zealand can easily get in on the NRL betting action at any of the top rated sites recommended by

The National Rugby League is very popular, having amassed a vast following amongst New Zealand rugby fans for the very good reason that this is an impressive league and sporting code. With respect to the punters who follow the NRL betting scene, this sporting interest is translated into a betting industry and environment that is similarly bestowed with quality and excellence.

Punters are able to utilise some of the best online sports betting infrastructure to improve, learn and refine their NRL bets. The aim of providing a perfect opportunity for rugby lovers to use their rugby knowledge to make some money and add to the already remarkable sport excitement of rugby is certainly coming into fruition.

Mobile Betting NRL NZ

NRL betting provides some of the best possible sports betting facilities available to any major sport. Both the beginner and experienced NRL punters have full access via a robust internet framework, and can join in the fun, and, possibly win significant amounts of money off their knowledge of the game.

There is also a diverse range of NRL betting options that suit all levels of punting expertise without prejudice. NRL bets available to NRL betting punters range from the standard win or lose bets on specific teams, to spread betting on the points scored in each match and includes the future bets that can be placed on the eventual winners, and finalists, of the numerous competitions. Each betting type and range would suit different punters and require different levels of preparation, knowledge and commitment from the punters. Consequently there are also varying levels of return on the different betting options. Aspirant punters and aficionados of NRL betting should therefore conduct some basic research and develop an understanding of the options available since a thorough understanding is key to ongoing and consistent success in this field.

NRL Betting Odds

Of note is that there are many NRL betting sports books, with different NRL bets as well as different NRL betting odds. Also, information such as game statistics and team or individual players’ information is often available through the sports betting sites, particularly if they are reputable and offer a full range of services and support. With all this positive energy, it is hardly surprising, therefore, that NRL betting is a vibrant and thriving industry and that the sports book recommended by offer a myriad of bet types and options.

Upcoming NRL Fixtures

NRL25-AprWarriors VS TitansGo Media Stadium
NRL25-AprDragons VS RoostersAllianz Stadium
NRL25-AprStorm VS RabbitohsAAMI Park
NRL26-AprSea Eagles VS Eels4 Pines Park
NRL27-AprTigers VS BroncosCampbelltown Sports Stadium
NRL27-AprCowboys VS PanthersQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL28-AprDolphins VS KnightsSuncorp Stadium
NRL28-AprRaiders VS SharksGIO Stadium
NRL02-MayRabbitohs VS PanthersAccor Stadium
NRL03-MaySea Eagles VS Raiders4 Pines Park
NRL03-MayBroncos VS RoostersSuncorp Stadium
NRL04-MayBulldogs VS TigersAccor Stadium
NRL04-MayTitans VS StormCbus Super Stadium
NRL04-MayCowboys VS DolphinsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL05-MayKnights VS WarriorsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL05-MaySharks VS DragonsPointsBet Stadium
NRL09-MayDolphins VS Sea EaglesSuncorp Stadium
NRL10-MayPanthers VS BulldogsBluebet Stadium
NRL10-MayEels VS BroncosCommBank Stadium
NRL11-MayTigers VS KnightsScully Park
NRL11-MayDragons VS RabbitohsNetstrata Jubilee Stadium
NRL11-MayStorm VS SharksAAMI Park
NRL12-MayRoosters VS WarriorsAllianz Stadium
NRL12-MayTitans VS CowboysCbus Super Stadium
NRL17-MayRaiders VS BulldogsSuncorp Stadium
NRL17-MaySea Eagles VS BroncosSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MayTitans VS KnightsSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MaySharks VS RoostersSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MayRabbitohs VS CowboysSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayWarriors VS PanthersSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayStorm VS EelsSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayTigers VS DolphinsSuncorp Stadium
NRL23-MayBulldogs VS DragonsAccor Stadium
NRL24-MayCowboys VS TigersQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL24-MaySea Eagles VS Storm4 Pines Park
NRL25-MayRaiders VS RoostersGIO Stadium
NRL25-MaySharks VS PanthersPointsBet Stadium
NRL25-MayRabbitohs VS EelsAccor Stadium
NRL26-MayBroncos VS TitansSuncorp Stadium
NRL26-MayWarriors VS DolphinsGo Media Stadium
NRL30-MayEels VS SharksCommBank Stadium
NRL31-MayKnights VS BulldogsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL01-JunPanthers VS DragonsBluebet Stadium
NRL01-JunDolphins VS RaidersSuncorp Stadium
NRL02-JunRoosters VS CowboysAllianz Stadium
SOO05-JunNSW VS QLDAccor Stadium
NRL07-JunDragons VS TigersWIN Stadium
NRL08-JunTitans VS RabbitohsCbus Super Stadium
NRL08-JunCowboys VS WarriorsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL08-JunBroncos VS SharksSuncorp Stadium
NRL09-JunStorm VS KnightsAAMI Park
NRL09-JunPanthers VS Sea EaglesBluebet Stadium
NRL10-JunBulldogs VS EelsAccor Stadium
NRL13-JunSharks VS DolphinsPointsBet Stadium
NRL14-JunRaiders VS CowboysGIO Stadium
NRL14-JunRabbitohs VS BroncosAccor Stadium
NRL15-JunTigers VS TitansLeichhardt Oval
NRL15-JunWarriors VS StormGo Media Stadium
NRL15-JunEels VS RoostersCommBank Stadium
NRL16-JunSea Eagles VS Dragons4 Pines Park
NRL16-JunKnights VS PanthersMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL21-JunDolphins VS StormSuncorp Stadium
NRL22-JunTitans VS WarriorsCbus Super Stadium
NRL22-JunRoosters VS BulldogsIndustree Group Stadium
NRL22-JunRabbitohs VS Sea EaglesAccor Stadium
NRL23-JunTigers VS RaidersCampbelltown Sports Stadium
SOO26-JunNSW VS QLDMelbourne Cricket Ground
NRL28-JunBulldogs VS SharksAccor Stadium
NRL29-JunWarriors VS BroncosGo Media Stadium
NRL29-JunKnights VS EelsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL29-JunStorm VS RaidersAAMI Park
NRL30-JunDragons VS DolphinsNetstrata Jubilee Stadium
NRL30-JunPanthers VS CowboysBluebet Stadium
NRL30-JunRoosters VS TigersAllianz Stadium
NRL04-JulEels VS RabbitohsCommBank Stadium
NRL05-JulSharks VS TitansC.ex Coffs International Stadium
NRL05-JulBroncos VS PanthersSuncorp Stadium
NRL06-JulBulldogs VS WarriorsAccor Stadium
NRL06-JulTigers VS StormLeichhardt Oval
NRL06-JulCowboys VS Sea EaglesQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL07-JulRoosters VS DragonsAllianz Stadium
NRL07-JulRaiders VS KnightsGIO Stadium
NRL11-JulDolphins VS RabbitohsKAYO Stadium
NRL12-JulSharks VS TigersPointsBet Stadium
NRL13-JulTitans VS EelsCbus Super Stadium
NRL13-JulBroncos VS DragonsSuncorp Stadium
NRL14-JulSea Eagles VS Knights4 Pines Park
SOO17-JulQLD VS NSWSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-JulRaiders VS WarriorsGIO Stadium
NRL20-JulRabbitohs VS TigersIndustree Group Stadium
NRL20-JulKnights VS BroncosMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL20-JulStorm VS RoostersAAMI Park
NRL21-JulPanthers VS DolphinsBluebet Stadium
NRL21-JulSea Eagles VS Titans4 Pines Park
NRL21-JulCowboys VS BulldogsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL26-JulWarriors VS TigersGo Media Stadium
NRL26-JulEels VS StormCommBank Stadium
NRL27-JulBroncos VS BulldogsSuncorp Stadium
NRL27-JulCowboys VS SharksQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL27-JulRoosters VS Sea EaglesAllianz Stadium