New Year May Mean New Hurricanes Coach

December 20, 2019 by

The Hurricanes may soon have to make do without current head coach John Plumtree. Which of course means that the team will have to appoint a third head coach replacement in as many years. And what with the 2020 Super Rugby Season just around the corner and getting underway in about six weeks’ time, the team’s decision-makers are expected to make an announcement soon. Plumtree will be joining up with the management team governing the All Blacks once he takes his leave from the ranks of the Hurricanes.

The general assumption at this stage of the game is that current assistant coach Jason Holland will be appointed at the helm soon, albeit in all likelihood in the capacity of co-coach and supported by newly appointed forward-mentor Chris Gibbes. No official announcement has been made as of yet regarding either Plumtree’s exit or any details regarding the remuneration packages offered to Gibbes and his new co-coach; mainly due to the fact that negotiations between the team and New Zealand Rugby have not yet been finalised.

As for the decision on Plumtree’s part to leave the Hurricanes behind as he heads towards his new position of being in charge of the All Blacks’ forwards, its regarded across the board as being a responsible one as assuming responsibility for both of the teams would most definitely prove too daunting a task in terms of especially time commitments.

A formal announcement is expected to be made just as soon as all negotiations have been finalised.

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Trent Wilson

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Trent Wilson is’s resident sports news expert. He draws on his extensive sporting knowledge, his qualification in sports management and his passion for betting to provide the latest, most up to date information on sporting events in New Zealand and across the globe.
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